Trail Cameras Buying Guides And Tips

Trail Cameras Buying Guides

If you’re looking for the best trail camera, Gear Odds has created this buyer’s guide to walk you through the process of selecting the best unit for your needs. We’ve compiled insights from people who actually buy and use these products, along with information on features like detection speed or picture quality. For our purposes, we will be talking about game cameras specifically (e.g. Browning Strike Force Elite HD), but some of the details may apply to other types of units as well (e.g. trail cams).

The first thing to do is get a lay of the land. Decide what features you want in a trail camera. You can also find our top rankings for best trail cameras here. Let us be your guide as you search for the best trail camera for your needs!

Under what circumstances will you use this trail camera?

Ask yourself what you plan on using the trail camera for. For example, you may want to know if your hunting spot has been invaded by woodpeckers or raccoons. You may want to know if you are getting bear spray sprayed at all times of the day (in which case, a high-resolution camera is best).

For better understanding here we shared 7 categories of trail cameras that meet your expectation like A to Z, they are follows:

  1. Cellular Trail cameras
  2. Game Trail Cameras
  3. No Glow Trail Cameras
  4. Browning Trail Cameras
  5. Budget Trail cameras
  6. Wildlife Trail cameras
  7. Home security Trail cameras

Trail Cameras Essential Information

Cellular Trail cameras

Trail cameras with a Cellular link to a cellular phone device is a purely new concept, and they allow anyone to remotely view the cameras’ live feed from anywhere. The only caveat is that you must be within range of a cell phone signal, otherwise you will have to use a ham radio or some sort of other long-range communication device. The real benefit though is the ability to have multiple trail camera locations at once. You can easily locate any given camera through using Google Maps’ satellite view, and now that your cameras are GPS-enabled then you can even see their exact location on a map. To make this easier, I use a combination of the Anti-Theft GPS.

Certain trail cameras are better suited for specific uses. For example, cellular trail cameras is best for detecting motion and capturing pictures of animals (and people) even in the middle of the night. On the other hand, Browning trail cameras is best for wide-area surveillance to detect patterns in animal movement.

In this cellular category, has lot of features that it deserve to be the best trail cameras that send pictures to your phone through a cellular 3/4g network with just a camera App.

Spartan GoLive Next Generation Cellular Scouting Camera
Source: Spartan GoLive Next Generation

Game Trail Cameras

Game trail cameras are obviously for hunting purposes and come with many different features. IR flash is a common feature on some of these models, and they can take both day and night pictures. They also have motion detectors that start the camera after detecting movement in the zone that you set. Many come with SD or SDHX memory cards that can hold pictures of high quality.

Game cameras are all about capturing video footages of wildlife in their natural environment. Whatever you set the camera up to capture, it will do so. In this field the game trail cameras is the best trail cameras for deer hunting and wildlife monitoring.

No Glow Trail Cameras

These are among the best trail cameras that offer great nighttime performance. These cameras use infrared LEDs to illuminate images instead of a regular flash, and this method completely negates any blurring from movement or camera shake. The result is a clear and vibrant image every time, and this makes them great for watching wildlife at night. Find out more information on my article at no glow trail camera for security.

No Glow Trail Cameras

Browning Trail Cameras

The Browning trail cameras offer a wide range of features, including wireless capabilities. You can use a radio device to remotely view the pictures through a USB port or SD card via radio waves. There are many options for security cameras here, including wireless ones. The Browning cameras are also pretty advanced in their design, which makes them very easy to use. This is thanks to the one-button operation feature that lets you quickly set things up without any hassle.

Budget Trail cameras

Trail camera is an investment and the price of trail cameras varies greatly. Most of these cameras are built with quality parts but some are just cheap imposters. The more you pay the better quality you get, and that is very true with trail cameras. However, there are some bargains to be had if you know where to look. Lots of people searching trail cameras as per their budget, below these things are working with based in price:-

a) Low cost trail cameras

This model trail cameras offer a lot in a small package, and they are perfect for security. You can stream videos in HD quality, and the images are clear no matter the time of day. These cameras can be placed indoors and outdoors, and you will find that images are too dark if placed in the shade. The images look good under these conditions, but you won’t be making any money off of them since they aren’t designed for outdoor use. Like best trail cameras less than $50.

b) Mid range trail cameras

These trail cameras allow you to view images from anywhere via your smartphone. Motion-stopping technology is superior in mid-range trail cams when compared with other trail cams at this price point, and you have an integrated micro SD card slot for saving images. You can also record HD video in this line, and you’ll get 2 hours of video storage before the cam starts using its internal memory. In this range you can find out more information on my article of the best trail cameras under $100.

c) High end trail cameras

These are high-end trail cams that offer high-end features at an amazingly low price. The battery life is long, the images are clear, and you can view images on a TV using a video surveillance app.

This line of trail cameras offers streamable videos with lighting capabilities so you don’t have to buy extra lighting to see images in low-light conditions. The images are also crystal clear in all lighting conditions, and they will come out crisp no matter the time of day. For more information please check at best trail cameras under $200.

d) Heavy duty trail cameras

These heavy-duty cameras are made to withstand any condition you can put them through. They can be placed outdoors with no problem, and most of these models even include a mounting bracket if you want to hang them from a tree. While most major brands offer heavy-duty models, there are also some less well-known brands that make the same type of products.

Wildlife Trail cameras

A wildlife trail camera is a great way to get photos and video of the wildlife in the wilds. The best wildlife trail cameras can take pictures of critters or animate them to scare away unwanted pests such as varmints and other animals that would prey on your livestock or crops.

Wildlife trail cameras are designed for outdoor use mostly, but there are also waterproof models like the Moultrie A-20 which makes them suitable for indoors as well. Some even record in HD, and can be controlled via a PC.

Home security Trail cameras

Home surveillance cameras are also important for home security, especially if you live in an urban area. These cameras can be placed around the house to provide 24-hour coverage, and the image recorded (housing exterior) will act as an additional deterrent to burglaries. Another thing worth mentioning is that these could also act as a deterrent to thieves looking to break into your house.

Trail Camera Buyer’s Guide: How To Choose The Best One For You

Picture or video?

If you do decide to buy a trail camera for hunting purposes, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is whether to go with a still image camera or a video camera.

Still images are typically better if you’re after small game such as squirrels. They won’t provide as much information as a video, but for small game they often do the trick.

Videos are more valuable for long-term use, since you can use them to study animal behavior over a period of days or weeks. For example, you can determine if your hunting spot has been overrun by raccoons or if there are specific times of the day when deer are most active.

It’s also worth mentioning that most cameras with sound have an option to record sound with the video. This is usually the case if you buy a camera with a higher resolution, but it is worth checking whether or not your model has sound.

Number of photo and video memory cards

Most cameras come with one (or two) memory card slots. It’s important to consider this when you’re buying a trail camera because the amount of memory will determine how many pictures and videos you can save when you’re out in the field.

Most decent cameras will offer something like 16 or 32 GB of internal memory. Usually this is enough to take 2-3000 pictures, depending on the model. However, if you’re not careful you can run out of space quickly and then you’ll have to delete pictures and start over.

Battery life

The battery life of a trail camera will depend on its detection speed. This means how fast it can detect motion, but also how long it can stay on while it’s doing so. Thankfully, the manufacturers have been hard at work coming up with ways to make battery life last longer. For example, some newer models will have a better-designed power pack which uses a lithium-ion battery and other models will have a bigger memory card slot which can hold more pictures and videos.

If you’re planning on using your camera in the field then you’ll want to check how long the battery lasts. Particularly if you will be leaving the camera alone for an extended period of time, you will need something that has a good battery life.

Picture resolution

The picture resolution will determine how clear your pictures are. The higher the resolution, the clearer the picture will be.

Some trail cameras have a high-resolution option (meaning images are very clear), but it may come at a cost in battery life. For example, if you want to take stunning pictures of the sunset or moonrise then you will be sacrificing battery life if you choose a high-resolution setting.

It’s also worth considering whether or not you’re even interested in taking quality photos. You may just want to know if that coyote visited your hunting spot, in which case a blurry picture may be good enough.

Detection speed

The detection speeds of trail cameras differ because there are several different ways to detect motion. Some trail cameras use passive infrared sensors to detect movement, while others use newer technologies such as PIR sensors.

Most modern trail cameras are capable of detecting motion within 0.1-0.5 seconds. The exact amount of time will vary from model to model, but that’s a good ballpark figure. If you want to know how fast a specific camera detects motion, the best thing to do is look at user reviews and see what people are saying.

Camera type

If you plan on using your trail camera for long-term surveillance, you’ll probably want to invest in a Cellular trail camera. Cellular trail cams offer 100 degrees (basically) of rotation and can be mounted on poles or trees – both of which provide the best view. They’re also better for taking pictures of people or animals as they move throughout the landscape.

If you want a camera that will take pictures of the surrounding scenery then a fixed camera is what you need. These cameras offer much better motion detection and come with an external photo viewer to make viewing your pictures much easier. However, they are not as useful for long-term surveillance and they can’t capture images and videos of an animal as it moves through the nearby terrain.

Video resolution

The video resolution of a trail camera is measured as frames per second (fps). Trail cameras with higher fps offer smoother videos, which makes them better for studying animal behavior over a period of time. If you’re trying to study animal behavior then a trail camera with 60 fps is much better than one with only 30 fps.

If you spend most of your time hunting, then you probably want to buy a trail camera that has good picture quality and good fps. However, if you’re using your camera for long-term surveillance then you probably want to go with a trail camera that has good detection and a good fps.

Flash range

The flash range on trail cameras varies greatly depending on the model. Some trail cameras can flash up to 100 feet away while others offer only 65 feet of flash distance. Higher quality trail cameras will have longer flash ranges, but it’s also worth considering how much light is in the area where you plan on placing your camera.

Most trail cameras will have a flash range of around 80 feet – which is a good range to keep in mind when placing your camera. However, it’s not a bad idea to take note of the maximum range of your camera if you’ll be using it in an area with little or no ambient light.


Transmitters are the device that is attached to the back of a trail camera so that you can watch live video footage from your hunting spot from anywhere with an internet connection.

Most transmitters connect to a camera via a WiFi signal. However, some models use a cellular transmitter which sends pictures and videos directly to your smartphone or tablet!

How much do trail cameras cost?

The price of a decent trail camera will vary from model to model. Trail cameras with high-resolution photos and videos tend to be more expensive, but they can also take better-quality pictures and videos – so it’s up to you which features are most important.

Trail cameras that are good for long-term surveillance can run into the hundreds of dollars. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune on a camera. If you’re just looking for something to take pictures of deer and turkey then a low-end trail camera will do the job perfectly well.

What is the best trail camera brand?

There are a ton of brands out there that offer quality trail cameras. Some people swear by brand names while others think that the only difference between one model and another is design.

If you’re looking for a trail camera brand name, then there are a lot of viable options. However, if you want the best trail cameras available, then we recommend checking out the best brands on our list.


Bushnell has been in the industry for over 15 years and offers a huge range of products that will support your outdoor hobbies. Bushnell is a huge player within the trail camera industry and has made perfect trail cameras with features that will satisfy most users.


Moultrie has been one of the pioneers of trail cameras and is without a doubt one of the best brands on the market. While Moultrie trail cameras are not quite as popular as Bushnell, they are still considered to be some of the best models you can find for your hobby.

Moultrie has launched many different entries into different price ranges. You can find everything from small game cameras to stand-alone, all-in-one units that offer great value for money.


CREATIVEXP offers a wide range of trail cameras that can be used for taking pictures and videos during any season. Of all the trail cameras on this list, CREATIVEXP trail cameras are probably the most affordable. This American brand has made a name for itself by offering high-quality products at low prices.

Besides, CREATIVEXP ‘s customer service is also one of the best in the industry, so you really can’t go wrong with this brand.


TideWe offers a wide range of trail cameras at affordable prices. The brand is owned by a Chinese company and focuses on entry-level and mid-range products (They are made in China but designed in USA). Some of the models we’ve reviewed actually perform better than similar models from Bushnell and Moultrie – although that is not to say that those brands are bad!


GardePro makes a range of quality products that will certainly satisfy most users. The majority of Targus products are weatherproof and come with a range of features to ensure that your camera is always ready for action.


Meidase has been around for quite a while and has become one of the most popular brands when it comes to trail cameras. You can find all sort of models at Meidase, from small game cameras to large all-in-one units.


Trail Cameras from JOH are very popular among many trail camera enthusiasts. In fact, some users think that their trail cameras are as good as those from Bushnell and Moultrie – and we would tend to agree.


One of the newest brands on our list, Spartan brand trail cameras offer some of the best features for the price. While they might not be as famous as other brands on this list, their affordable trail cameras are definitely worth considering. They will probably gain more popularity in the near future!

Yellowstone AI

Yellowstone AI brand is one of the most affordable brands on this list. If you’re looking to get a high-quality camera at an affordable price, then check out some of their models. You won’t be disappointed!


Covert brand trail cameras are some of the most popular in the industry. They have a range of products from small game cameras to wireless trail cameras.

Whichever brand you decide to purchase from, there are all sorts of features that you will want on your trail camera. If you have any questions about how to choose the best trail camera for your needs, then feel free to contact us by phone or email. We’re always happy to assist!

Here’s a quick video we put together, showing you how to install a trail camera:

YouTube video

Features and Accessories

First of all, there are a lot of features and accessories out there for trail cameras. Here’s a quick look at some of the popular accessories available for trail cameras:

Enclosures – Trail cameras from most brands will come with an enclosure that protects your unit during transport and storage. There are a number of different material types to choose from, so be sure to check out what’s most suitable for your unit.

Stands – Most trail cameras have a stand built into them or you can buy a stand separately. There are a lot of different styles to choose from, so be sure to take a look at what’s available before you order.

Cables – There are a number of different types of cables that you can use to connect your camera to your computer or smartphone. You’ll want to make sure that the cable uses the type of connector that is compatible with your device.

Batteries – Most trail cameras will come with a battery pack. This battery pack is designed to run your camera for a specific amount of time and prevents you from having to constantly recharge. Here’s a quick guide about trail camera rechargeable batteries which perfect for longtime use.

Chargers – Trail cameras will charge their batteries using an external power source. You’ll need a power source to charge the battery, so be sure to find one that’s compatible with your trail camera.

Mounts – There are a number of different types of mounts available for your trail camera so that it can be mounted in different locations. Most cameras have a small screw mount, but there are a number of other types to choose from.

SD cards – SD cards will allow you to store the data from your trail camera. You’ll need a memory card in order to store your images and videos in a digital format so that you can access them later on.

Some Thoughts in the END

We hope that you’ve found this article on the best trail cameras ever helpful.

That’s where we come in – we’ve reviewed the best trail cameras on the market and created this Trail Camera Buyer Guide that will help you find the camera that’s right for you.

From having a good time hunting to burglars, these trail cams are the best solution for you.

Happy Ending!